Reelection: Leading your Business With Confidence, Courage, and the Power to Pivot

Dec 24, 2024

The close of the year isn’t just a time for reflection—it’s a moment to look yourself in the mirror and claim the lessons that shaped you. Growth, as I’ve experienced, is far from being passive, neat, or comfortable. Growth is bold. It demands action. It demands courage. And this year, I was forced to step up in a way that stretched me professionally. This year, I made several tough decisions, including decisively stepping away from certain business ventures and collaborations.

Choices like these aren’t made lightly. They’re messy. They’re uncomfortable. And for some, they can feel downright painful. But here’s what I’ve discovered—sometimes the most difficult decisions are the ones that free you. For me, stepping away wasn’t just about creating space; it was about saying yes to alignment, yes to clarity, and yes to a bigger vision for my life and business.

One separation, in particular, made a lasting impact. After a direct discussion about parting ways, the response was clear and powerful: "We just have to pivot." That moment resonated with me.

Life demands that we pivot. Not just once, and not just when it’s easy, but over and over again, especially when it’s uncomfortable.

Life, business, relationships—they’re not about perfection; they’re about movement. They’re about adaptability. A day in dentistry can flip at the drop of a hat—emergencies arise, cancellations happen, or a procedure takes longer than planned. Guess what? Life works the same way. You can have the cleanest calendar, the most organized plan, and unforeseen changes will still hit you like a freight train. Opportunities, friendships, sponsors—they come and go. But when you lead with confidence, you don’t falter. You pivot.

This year, pivoting became my Superpower. It didn’t mean diluting who I am or compromising my vision. It meant standing in my truth and moving forward with courage no matter where life shifted. Pivoting is your proof that you’re not stuck—it’s your moment to rise, redirect, and keep going.

You can’t lead in your business if you’re waiting for perfect conditions. You can’t lead in your business if you’re afraid to step into the unknown. Leadership in business requires adaptability, stamina, and the guts to pivot when the moment calls for it. But I want you to hear me on this—that pivot has to come from a place of strength and courage, not fear. Don’t abandon your authenticity. Don’t question your worth. You can change direction and remain rooted in who you are.

Here’s my challenge to you as we step into 2025—lead your life with confidence. Lead your life with courage. When life forces you to switch gears, don’t hesitate. Claim your pivot. Own it. Master it. Be the leader of your own story.

This is your time. The roadblocks, detours, and messy transitions? Those are just part of the process. Step into the change. Meet it head-on. And when the dust settles, you’ll realize that every pivot, every moment of discomfort, wasn’t a setback but a setup for your next victory.

Thank you for being part of my year, my growth, and this ongoing movement toward greatness. I can’t wait to share more with you in 2025 and beyond. Until then, may your holidays be filled with boldness, blessings, and the confidence to tackle whatever comes your way.

With the courage to pivot gracefully and with sincere gratitude,

Dr. Joy